
Coco and Ice-T’s new baby Chanel is already on social media

Coco Austin and Ice-T welcomed their first baby together on Saturday.

Coco Austin and Ice-T welcomed their first baby together on Saturday.

(Rob Kim / Getty Images)

Far be it from social-media queen Coco to hold her daughter back: Chanel Nicole already has more than 20,000 followers on Twitter and nearly 100,000 on Instagram.

"Already," in this case, came quickly. The 5.7-pound, 18-inch little girl was born at a New Jersey hospital on Saturday.

"Sorry for the silence but still in hospital after giving birth yesterday," the 36-year-old new mom said Sunday in a Facebook post tagged from Englewood, N.J. "I've had my hands full focusing on being the best mother I can be! I'm so freaking in love. I've had an angel watch over me during my whole pregnancy & labor cuz it went beautiful every step of the way. My dad calls me a breeder lol."


Now, in case anyone was thinking life with Chanel so far has been nothing but sweetness and light, Coco had a caveat on Facebook.

"Can I just say though.. My nipples feel like they are gonna fall off they're so raw from breastfeeding #NewMommyproblems."


Just born and sharing a skin to skin contact moment with Mom

A photo posted by ChanelNicole (@babychanelnicole) on


Chanel's "Law & Order: SVU" star dad, 57, showed his pride Saturday on Twitter, saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen! Please allow me to introduce to the World.... Baby Chanel 5.7 pounds. Love is Love." On Monday, he posted a picture of himself flashing some guns with the guys on set, back at work already.



Looks like we can expect flashy things from this baby girl — though this nap thing looks like it'll be a theme, at least for a little while. Maybe through her first week?


Moments after I was born and all ready in dads arms chillin!

A photo posted by ChanelNicole (@babychanelnicole) on

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